Friday, June 7, 2013


As I sat on my computer today looking up quotes on overcoming fear, I thought to myself that none of the quotes were what I needed to hear. With my plans to embark on a few different endeavors in the near future, I noticed that after the initial excitement of a new plan comes the real pressure of "Can I do this?" Yes, we know all of the quotes that say failure is the first step to success or the reward in failure is gaining more wisdom and naturally that sounds "nice," but the reality of a real opportunity to fail is hard to swallow. FEAR can be crippling or paralyzing and is usually one of the main ingredients in the recipe of why people never followed their dreams. One word, one feeling, that we can base our whole lives upon. Do I want to look back ten years from now and say I wish I would have done "that," whatever "that" is. No, and neither do you I'm sure. So, yes inspiring quotes are nice, but can I expect inspiring quotes on overcoming fear to push me into my next place in life or be what I need to conquer fear, NOPE. 

But there is one who I know can help me push past all my fear and he is the same one who said I can do all things through him, Christ THE LORD. When I realize who is on my side, fear falls to the wayside. When I realize I serve the author of the universe and "knower" of all things, my spirit tells me that fear is nothing but an emotion with no actual power over me. It tells me that everything I set out to do that's in his will, will prosper. He has not given me a spirit of fear, but he has given me faith and by faith, I overcome. Now I'm not saying that the little voice that inside of me that is still a bit scared is cancelled out completely, but it can't overcome me. It can't paralyze me, cripple me, or control me because my faith in God is greater than my fear. 

bible verse